Danilo Tic September 4, 2015 News Großglockner 3798 m Danilo Tic September 4, 2015 News I let them fool me. I went to the mountains. Again. When I heard the proposal, I didn't say no.
Danilo Tic April 9, 2015 News Great Easter Powder Danilo Tic April 9, 2015 News Spring is slowly conquering the lowlands with blossoming snowdrops and primroses, but the most enthusiastic skiers are not ready to let go this year’s winter just yet.
Danilo Tic February 19, 2015 News Great conditions on the shady slopes above Baad Danilo Tic February 19, 2015 News Kleinwalsertal is a part of Austria which can only be accessed through Germany.
Danilo Tic January 29, 2015 News Waiting for new powder Danilo Tic January 29, 2015 News The powder fields around Grossglockner, Bavarian and Vorarlberg resorts.